Luister naar de nieuwste podcast met een Female Leader: Caroline Glasbergen

Welcome to a new episode of the New Female Leaders podcast

Welcome to a new episode of the New Female Leaders podcast. The podcast about authentic leadership where we interview role models and experts and together we try to answer the question: what IS authentic female leadership? How can you make an impact and stay true to yourself? We’re excited to introduce someone who has been on our list since the very beginning: Mpho Tutu van Furth, an accomplished South-African preacher, author, and activist and daughter of Desmond Tutu. Enjoy!

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Mpho Tutu van Furth

“To me, authentic leadership is leadership from the heart; from the center: that one recognizes the core of one’s being and leads from that space“

– Mpho

Here’s what you will learn:

  • What the true meaning of Ubuntu is
  • The link between Ubuntu and authenticity
  • The difference between leadership as power with people and as power over people
  • The role of forgiveness in leadership
  • The four steps to genuine forgiveness
  • How to speak up with goal and purpose and how to actively listen
  • What privilege is and how to relinquish it
  • The difference between spiritual values and practices and how reevaluating them can make you a better leader

  Scroll down for an introduction, show notes, and relevant links

Get to your own definition of authentic leadership with the New Female Leader book

In the book New Female Leader Caroline gives you concrete handles for how to lead as a woman and stay with your own values. You'll read from inspiring female rolemodels, Caroline gives you tips to lead in your own way and refers to relevant researches so you can find your own definition of authentic leadership. 



Mpho Tutu Van Furth is a preacher, teacher, mother, writer, retreat facilitator, and an Episcopal priest. She is passionate about the flourishing of all people, especially women and the planet. 

That’s why Mpho propagates the Ubuntu philosophy. According to Mpho, Ubuntu is a fully embodied way of leadership. The essence of Ubuntu is to meet each human being as another human being with thoughts and ideas, and feelings and sensations. Ubuntu is a way of being in the world that recognizes the full humanity of each of us. 

“If you conceptualize leadership as power over people, Ubuntu doesn’t have a place in that conceptualization. If you conceptualize leadership as power with people, it completely changes the way you operate, even as a leader.”

Mpho is the daughter of anti-apartheid activists Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Leah Tutu. She has written two books with her father, Made for Goodness and The Book of Forgiving.

After much reflection on the process of forgiveness, Mpho has seen that there are four steps to healing: telling your story, conveying your hurt, asking for and granting forgiveness, and reconciliation or release of the relationship.

Forgiveness is not easy; it can seem like an impossible task. According to Mpho, only through walking this fourfold path, we free ourselves from the endless cycle of pain and retribution. 

  Scroll down for show notes and relevant links from the interview

What is your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Be a role model and share your insights in the comments!

Show notes


  • Tijdstip
  • Notes
  • [0:01:22]
  • Mpho explains what authentic leadership means to her
  • [0:04:17]
  • Mpho explains the meaning of Ubuntu and what it means to Westerners and Africans
  • [0:08:33]
  • Caroline and Mpho go into depth on the link between Ubuntu and authenticity
  • [0:14:01]
  • Mpho illustrates the difference between conceptualizing leadership as power with people and as power over people
  • [0:15:53]
  • Mpho shares how she feels we are doing in the pandemic when it comes to leadership
  • [0:20:34]
  • Mpho shares her views on how the world handled the Covid crisis and why a ubuntu approach would have moved us through the crisis more effectively
  • [0:24:52]
  • Mpho shares what she considers to be the role of forgiveness in leadership to create a different world
  • [0:27.28]
  • Mpho explains how telling your story is the first step to genuine forgiveness
  • [0:32:32]
  • Mpho explains the importance of conveying your hurt and how it’s the second step to genuine forgiveness
  • [0:40:05]
  • Mpho shares the third step to genuine forgiveness: to actually be able to offer forgiveness
  • [0:41:09]
  • Mpho shares the fourth step to genuine forgiveness: the option of reconciliation or release
  • [0:42:23]
  • Caroline & Mpho talk about the difference between reconciliation and forgiveness
  • [0:44:28]
  • “As a person who’s entrusted with any degree of leadership, you’re going to have people who screw up”
  • [0:46:37]
  • Caroline & Mpho talk about the importance of making forgiveness a part of company culture
  • [0.49:21]
  • According to Mpho forgiveness is the biggest help to transition away from the stereotypical patriarchal model that both women and men suffer under
  • [0:53:54]
  • Mpho explains why it’s important to speak up with goal and purpose and to actively listen
  • [0:58:03]
  • Mpho shares the importance of recognizing and taking in someone else’s experience and how it helps you to relinquish privilege
  • [0:58:52]
  • Mpho hones in on the definition of privilege: “Privilege is there is almost nothing about you that I have to know, and yet you know so much about me”
  • [0:01:04]
  • Caroline & Mpho talk about the role of spirituality in leadership
  • [1:03:20]
  • Mpho explains the difference between spiritual values and practices and how reevaluating your spiritual values helps you to become a better leader
  • [1:08:33]
  • Mpho shares her advice to current and future female leaders

The handbook for new leadership from your own values

In the book New Female Leader Caroline gives you concrete handles for how to lead as a woman and stay with your own values. 

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Het New Female Leader boek

Het handboek voor nieuw leiderschap vanuit je eigen waarden

De afgelopen 2 jaar hebben we besteed aan het onderzoeken wat het nu betekent om als vrouw te leiden vanuit je authentieke zelf. Samen met jou zijn we op een zoektocht om uit te vinden wat het nu betekent om vanuit je eigen waarden te leiden in deze — nog steeds patriarchale — samenleving.

Inmiddels zijn we zo'n 70 gesprekken verder en is er een BOEK!  Zie dit boek als een handboek om je eigen definitie aan leiderschap te geven, waarbij we een model hebben ontwikkeld met handvatten hoe je dit nou het beste kunt doen. Het boek bevat tips van de rolmodellen, in combinatie met Caroline haar visie, analyse en wetenschappelijk onderzoek, zodat je tot je eigen authentieke vorm van leiderschap kunt komen.

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Het is niet eenvoudig om als vrouw authentiek te leiden.

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En wil je een netwerk van vrouwen hebben die net zo ambitieus zijn als jij? Wil je worden geïnspireerd door rolmodellen en zelf een rolmodel zijn voor anderen? En ook nog gecoacht te worden door de beste Executive Coaches?

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